CHIUSURA ORDINI: LUNEDI' 17:30, MARTEDI'-VENERDI' 18:00 | ORDER CLOSE AT: MONDAY 17:30, TUESDAY-FRIDAY 18:00 | 截单时间: 周一 17:30, 周二到周五 18:00

telefono微信: itricambi telefono Whatsapp: +356 99928580 telefono 电话: +356 99928580 email:[email protected]

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The personal information requested during registration and the order are collected and handled by IT-RICAMBI on media in order to satisfy the obligations under the contract concluded with the Client and will not under any circumstances and no title to third parties. IT-RICAMBI provides its customers the respect of rules on the processing of personal data covered by the Privacy Code under LD. N. 196 of 30.06.03. These data is IT-RICAMBI in the person NAYOU.

The customer, at any time, have the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data to be sent by written notice to the registered office of IT-RICAMBI. The customer, who who claims to have received the information pursuant to art. 13 and belonging to the same rights under Article. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, has the right to access their data in the manner specified therein. Marketing communications will be sent only with the explicit consent of the customer together with the authorization granted to the processing and sending the registration form online.